
北京英斯路科技有限公司是一家集工业自动化产品应用,技术咨询和服务,代理销售为一体的综合性公司,致力于将国际先进工业产品引进到中国工业自动化各个领域,为石油化工,海洋船舶,电力,能源,造纸,印刷,医药,食品,环保等众多行业用户提供各种高品质的工业产品和优质的售后服务。 数十年的从业经验使我们积累了大量的客户,同时客户的需要也不断提升我们的服务能力和学习的动力。 我们本着“客户至上,优质服务”的经营原则,以及不仅仅是提供产品,更重要的是向客户提供可行可靠的解决方案的理念,为供货商和终用户搭建佳的沟通平台。无论你是新建项目,老系统改造,还是特殊工程,我们均可提供从选型,采购,投运,维护一条龙服务。北京英斯路科技有限公司将一如既往的以饱满的热情,不懈的努力和永无止境的追求提高公司的竞争力和专业服务能力,保持公司在行业中的领先地位,竭诚为广大用户提供优质服务。
  • ABB Process Automation Division Process Gas Chromatograph 气相色谱仪

    PGC1000是为提高效率和盈利能力而设计的,PGC1000解决了流程工业市场中的一个特定利基,在这个市场中,客户寻求的分析测量解决方案简单、高度精确、成本效益高(无需掩蔽)、模块化,并且维护和实施要求非常低。,PGC1000是一种现场安装的气相色谱仪(GC),能够测量各种碳氢化合物加工工业(HPI)流中的C1到C9+、惰性气体和H2S。该分析仪非常适合在空间最小的地方测量轻烃气体。PGC1000是大多数天然气处理行业应用和监测燃料气体(如天然气、合成气、甲烷和/或生物气)的最佳选择,以确保最佳的工厂操作。\ n PGC1000产品创新包括:
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 NGC 8201 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 NGC 8206 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 NGC 8207 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 NGC 8209 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    仪表类型 :Fixtured;Permanent
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 PGC5000 Series 气相色谱仪

    烘箱温度范围 :86 to 356 F (30 to 180 C)
    入口压力范围 :10.01 to 150 psi (7.04 to 106 m H2O)
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    仪表类型 :Fixtured
    应用领域:Energy; Petroleum
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    注入进样法:Valve Injection
    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector; Flame Ionization Detector; Flame Photometric Detector
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 PGC5007B 气相色谱仪

    应用领域:Sulfur Analyzer ;Other
    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Flame Photometric Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Valve Injection
    入口压力范围 :10.01 to 150 psi (7.04 to 106 m H2O)
    仪表类型 :Fixtured
    烤箱操作:Isothermal; Temperature Programmable
    烘箱温度范围 :86 to 356 F (30 to 180 C)
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 PGC5009 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Flame Ionization Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    仪表类型 :Fixtured
    应用领域:Energy; Petroleum; Gasoline, Diesel
    泵流量控制 :Flow Control
    工作温度:32 to 122 F (0.0 to 50 C)
    入口压力范围 :0.0 to 100 psi (0.0 to 70.38 m H2O)
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    烤箱操作:Oven; Temperature Programmable
    烘箱温度范围 :50 to 572 F (10 to 300 C)
    注入进样法:Valve Injection
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs
    一般特征 :Programmable; Built in Chromatograph; Extreme Environment; Data Storage
  • ABB Measurement & Analytics 艾波比 Portable NGC 气相色谱仪

    探测万博manbetx官网体育首页类型:Thermal Conductivity Detector
    显示方式:Digital Readout
    注入进样法:Split/Splitless Column Injection ;Other
    仪表类型 :Portable
    远程接口:Serial communication protocol such as RS-232, RS-485, USB.; Parallel communication protocol such as GPIB / IEEE-488 / HPIB Protocol.
    用户接口:Digital Front Panel
    一般特征 :Programmable; Extreme Environment
    产品类别 :Gas Chromatographs

